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Mysterious metal monoliths randomly pop up around the world linked to Ley lines and a super collider from which mysterious signals are sent to the great Pyramids of Giza then relayed to Stonehenge. Scientists unearth numerous ancient structures linked to the same locations and seven other historic sites.


Unsaturated Zone Hydrology...
This book was rated 1st in its field as a textbook and also 1st as a reference book. However, it is out of print.

Meet the Author

James Tindall is the author of Jagged Grass, Sun God’s Treasure, and multiple other books, including two best-in-field textbooks. He grew up on a Florida reservation wrestling alligators and training horses to earn money as a kid. He is an army veteran who served in intelligence, expert sharpshooter, and has five martial arts black belts of advanced ranking, including a 9th degree in Kenpo, as well as four college degrees. As a federal scientist, he specialized in water, energy, and food security, which has thrust him into the realms of homeland security and counterterrorism. His assignments have taken him from Latin America and Brazil, Mexico to Alaska, Turkey to China, and many points between. When not writing, he teaches and solves tactical and strategic matters for international governments personnel and SOGs. Extended Bio

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